Business Incubation Resources
Bring your business opportunity to life with Community Futures Business Incubator.
Community Futures supports entrepreneurs in bringing their early stage business opportunities from idea to launch, with opportunity exploration, assessment, business planning, and business incubation.
Incubation begins with the exploration stage and can include one-on-one coaching as well as Opportunity Exploration and Opportunity Readiness Workshops at Community Futures.
From there, once you decide your idea and opportunity are ready to do in depth planning, you can undertake further development of your business idea through the 10 Week Business Plan Development Program which includes on-line training and one-on-one coaching and support to help you build a comprehensive business plan and prepare for launch.
Further growth and development support is also available through practical and interactive workshops, as well as one-on-one coaching and counseling. These half day sessions are designed for key business areas and are facilitated by skilled and experienced entrepreneurs.
Exploration and Business Incubation
Exploration of new ideas and opportunities is an essential attribute of successful entrepreneurs. Over the past 30 years Community Futures has helped thousands of entrepreneurs develop their businesses. As a result we have developed valuable resources, networks and experience to help facilitate new business development. These tools and resources are constantly being added to and improved. Click here for Exploration Resources.
Opportunity Readiness
The Opportunity Readiness Workshop focuses on preliminary business opportunity analysis and individual preparedness for self-employment. Assess the feasibility of your business idea and your own entrepreneurial skills and opportunity. We encourage all eligible individuals to participate in this valuable and interactive workshop. This workshop is mandatory for those wishing to attend the Business Plan Development Program.
The Opportunity Readiness Workshop is available to both WorkBC sponsored clients with new business ideas, and to self-funded entrepreneurs with existing businesses, start-up ideas, or pivot opportunities. Opportunity_Readiness_Worksheets.pdf
Business Plan Development Program
Ready to take your business idea to the next stage?
The Business Plan Development Program provides extensive training and support to develop a comprehensive business plan.
Once individuals attend the Opportunity Readiness Workshop and complete an application, approved participants attend six weeks of facilitated and self guided online study to develop and complete a business plan within a ten week period.
Individuals eligible for EI benefits or Reachback can be sponsored and referred by WorkBC to the program. Individuals not sponsored by WorKBC may purchase a seat in the Business Plan Development based on availability and suitability. Bursaries and other financial support may also be available through Community Futures. Please call 250-868-2132 for more info.
Please note, all applicants must attend the Opportunity Readiness Workshop prior to applying for the Business Plan Development Program.
The Business Plan Development Program includes:
Operations and Management
Business management, operating plan, business plan writing and layout, vision, goals, objectives, risk management.
Market Research and Market Strategies
Collecting, analysing and finalizing market research, developing marketing strategies based on this research, effective sales staretgies, promotions and sales forecasting.
Financial planning, cash flow forecasting, income statement and balance sheet preparation, sales and cost analysis, financing strategies including personal financial planning.
Wrap Up
One on one counseling is provided to assist the participant in writing, editing, troubleshooting and modifying the business plan in preparation for a final draft.
Accelerate Your Business Workshops
A series of comprehensive workshops designed to help operating businesses with specific business topics and issues.
All workshops and seminars are available on a first come first serve basis. All facilitators are experienced self employed business people that have demonstrated success in their specialty areas.