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Sustainable Development

Value Added Agriculture

Through membership and collaboration with Economic Development and other strategic partnerships, the CFDCCO researches and develops ways to assist with value added, artisan style agriculture development that includes developing programs, joint venturing with agriculture based organizations, sharing successful business models, ideas and providing capital. We encourage supporting locally produced products and services and embrace the made in the Okanagan brand.

Agriculture within the Okanagan faces great challenges and it is also possesses great opportunities. The same demographic that bears the challenge of succession is also the one with highly disposable incomes and tastes to match, including fine foods and beverages. Shifts in the global demands and supplies for fine food and beverage products is also creating opportunities for local entrepreneurs as newly developed economies place demands on traditional suppliers. Trends in popular culture such as the 100 mile diet and the slow food movement are also contributing to these opportunities.

Agriculture needs a renewal of human resources with new ideas and the right mix of technical, business, and entrepreneurship knowledge, skills, and experience to implement them. Community Futures supports and advocates education and entrepreneurial training, positive change, value added development and consumption of locally grown and produced products.

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